Sunday, 15 January 2012

The Beacons EP " Dark Room" EP

Devon's finest return with their new E.P entitled ‘Dark Room’
The Formula is the same as many, drums, vocals, guitars. Hardly reinventing the wheel.
Well actually it feels like it.

Five tracks bursting with an excitement and urgency that transports the listener to a place most music goers haven't been in a while!

Kicking off with Remember me.
A call to arms in musical form. From the first note, not only signalling the arrival of the EP but the band as a whole. It shouts, screams, shakes and takes the listener in by the scruff of the neck! The beacons have arrived.

Quickly followed with the pounding of drums, a choir of guitars and bass riff that is the man who digs the ditch!
A song with a roof-top sing along quality that you can imagine a thousand lads nights being played out to. The song is so catchy that it actually hurts, no wonder it was our first taste of the EP.

Lungs & Will Josie Dance? Follow through with the knock out punches, and proves that the beacons can't be labelled as another guitar band. With their almost nursery rhyme quality. The personalities of drum, bass and guitar all merging into one before each taking their turn to shine in the solo spotlight. This seems to be a thread through this record and ensures it never feels crowded or rushed. It's a unit working as one with only the music on it's mind!

To end there's Gyro. Starting off with a gentle riff and drum loop groove before seamlessly turning into a schizophrenic cousin for the moshpit generation. Thus bringing to a close quite possibly the best set of songs to hit your ears this side of 2012.
The Beacons. Have you heard of them? soon will have!

Jackson cooper (Riviera FM)

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