Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Music engine info 27/11/12

This week we had interviews with Di Elle and Geoff from the band Tenek
As well as the usual under the radar music
Welcome to the new wave revolution .


LJ Ayrten-Conversation
Earls of Enkalon -Valhalla
Eric Ness -You might meet somebody
Romy Conzen -Holding on
Mind Museum -The get go
Paolo Coruzzi -This time
August Gone -Watch You Bleed
Fateful Choice -the new world order
Tenek -Elusive
Di Elle -I won't get in your way
The lights -Days don't get me far enough away
Terry Emm -the way you look
Para static -like a fraud
Centre Excuse -In your mind
The Red Bulletts -what ya gonna do
A boy called Bernard -Get Your Head Together"


Earls Of Enkalon are
unsigned Northern Irish band trying to get heard.
The track Valhalla
is up on amazingtunes.com,
info -facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Earls-of-Enkalon/99956287110

Romy Conzen who is based in Belgium.
In between her studies, Romy Conzen has recently completed and released her debut album Black As Night, with Holding On being the second single taken from it. In the short time it has been released, Romy Conzen is already attracting interest from a large number of radio presenters around Europe, and with showcase gigs in music stores across Belgium already happening, it is expected you will be hearing a lot more from her in the very near future.
Details on how you can purchase the single and album along with further information on Romy Conzen can be found on her websites www.romy-conzen.com, www.vmvmusic.com and www.facebook.com/romyconzen

LJ Ayrten who is based in London, England.
After taking a year’s break from the music scene, LJ Ayrten now returns with her new EP Unconventional Girl which most recently hit the number 12 spot on the iTunes Singer-Songwriter charts. Information on how you can purchase this along with further details on LJ Ayrten can be found on her website www.facebook.com/ljayrtenofficial

August Gone who are based in London, England.
Previously known as Le Monnier, after becoming a 3 piece the band decided to rename themselves as August Gone.
Described as being a rich wake up blend of 90’s Seattle Grunge Rock, melded with Melodic Rock, and with influences such as Alice In Chains, Evanescenece, and Porcupine Tree, the band are already creating huge inroads on the UK music scene.
August Gone have now released Watch You Bleed which is the first single from their new album due to be released in 2013. Details on this along with further information on August Gone can be found on their websites www.augustgone.com and www.facebook.com/augustgone

Paolo Coruzzi who is based in Torino, Italy.
Having started to study classical guitar when he was 12 years old, Paolo Coruzzi soon moved on to electric guitar after discovering ‘Rock was in his soul’.
Since then, he has gone on to win awards with bands he was a member of, selected from the 10 best guitarists in Turin to perform in the tour ‘Acoustic Dream’, and classified as the 5th best songwriter in Italy, alongside a number of other creditable awards.
Paolo Coruzzi now returns on the music scene with his new album, details of this along with more information can be found on his websites www.paolocoruzzi.it and www.facebook.com/coruzzipaolo

Boy Called Bernard is the brainchild of singer-songwriter Bernard Binns who decided on a collaborative project to produce radio-friendly, fun pop music… with a twist. The band’s first release is the extremely catchy “Get Your Head Together” which features vocalist Rebecca Reynolds.

Boy Called Bernard is not merely a studio band as the intention is to take to the road during 2013 and the band is immediately available for unplugged sessions in-store and on live radio. The initial feedback to the track “Get your head together” coupled with the fun video lyric-based lo-fi, comic book-style video has helped it to gain extensive airplay across the UK and internationally.

Born in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, Bernard was brought up in South Africa where he formed the pop band, The Helicopters which burst onto the South African music scene with the infectious hit song Mysteries & Jealousy. Signed to WEA Records and later Epic, the band went on to have numerous Top Ten hits which included Whisper Your Secret, Only for You and Don't Want to Live in Hollywood and topped the national charts for some four months). Bernard moved back to England in 2004 where he continued to write and produce and has recorded a number of solo albums.

Rebecca Reynolds is based in St Albans and has worked with Steve Levine, Mike Stevens, Judie Tzuke, Graham Gouldman, Kevin Godley and many more.

“Get Your Head Together” can be downloaded from iTunes
You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hvTAhgZVZM

Mind museum
Twitter -@MIND_MUSEUM: Facebook -http://t.co/EXJoSnlA

The Lights

Terry Emm
Twitter- @terryemmmusic


Centre Excuse

The Red Bulletts -what ya gonna do
New single out 17/12/12 on all good download sites
Twitter @theredbullets

Tenek info

DI Elle
Www.facebook.com /DI Elle

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